Assessment & Report

“Assessment refer to all those activities undertaken by teachers, and by their students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they engaged. Such assessment becomes, “formative assessment” when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching wok to meet needs.

We believe that assessment should be fit for purpose. With this in mind both summative and formative assessment are used to track and report on progress but more importantly to raise standards. These assessments identify where pupils are learning, what they need to do next and how they are going to achieve it.

Quality assessments of pupils work at SRSP include: 

  • The use of targeted questioning throughout lessons to assess pupil understanding
  • The identification of student misconceptions and then using them to facilitate learning
  • Pupils written work is accessed regularly and accurately
  • SMART learning objectives and success criteria are used as a basic for marking work
  • Pupils know the steps in their learning


Throughout the academic year, assessment results are reported for two Check-Points Test, two  Class Assessments , one Mid-Year Examination and one Final Year Examination.Pparents are issued with report cards for these 6 assessments. The school schedules parent-teacher discussion and parents will be invited to attend Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC’s).