Teaching & Learning

Introduction: The teacher’s ultimate aim is to ensure that students learn. It must be recognised that students learn in different ways and at different rate. Fun and enjoyment can accelerate and sustain the  learning process.

Philosophy: Every child has the ability to learn. Hence learning must be inclusive and caters for all children.

Strategies: Every teacher must continuously seek to innovate and improve teaching strategies to cater for different needs. In the learning process, students must be engaged in an active environment. They are engineered to be participative. The use of different media of is of utmost importance to stimulate the minds for learning . Teachers must create excitement and provide a sense of achievement in the learning process.


Every lesson must have a Lesson Plan which consists of 3 parts:

  • Opening- 5 minutes: Set Induction, Motivating the Mind, prior Knowledge
  • Main Lesson- 20 Minutes : Content, activities, formative assessment
  • Summary- 5 minutes : Reflect, Recall, Enrich, Moving Forward

Quality Learning

We acknowledge that children learn and work in a variety of ways and that as a school we must provide a multitude of opportunities that promote different styles of learning and independence.

We plan for whole class, group, paired, and individual learning opportunities that include:

  • Investigation , research and exploration
  • Problem saving
  • Application of ICT
  • Response to , interpretation of a variety of media
  • Physical activity
  • Experiential trips and experiences outside of the classroom environment
  • Questioning
  • Experimentation
  • Designing and making things
  • Creative and expressive activities
  • Debates , role play and presentation
  • Co-curricular activities
  • Presentation to an audience
  • Reflection

Teaching ‘Climate’

Teaching at SRSP focuses on facilitating opportunities for building the skills, knowledge and understanding of the curriculum to achieve the highest level of personal achievement whilst developing with each student, a set of favourable learning dispositions that they can carry forward into their adults lives. The school’s curriculum set out its aims and objectives and documents what is to be taught across each level as it is used as guide for effective teaching to help ensure appropriate content and progression.

A quality teaching climate of SRSP provides:

  • Shared learning objectives that are understood by pupils
  • Opportunities for pupils to explore their learning
  • A variety of teaching strategies and activities that meet a range of learning styles (visual, auditory and kinesthetic)
  • Focused, purposeful and well placed activities that ensure accountability
  • High, but appropriate and clear expectations
  • A positive, encouraging and stimulating learning environment
  • Scaffold learning that builds on prior experience
  • Excellent subject/pedagogic knowledge
  • Differentiated support for pupils of varying abilities (wherever necessary)
  • Opportunities for self and peer assessment
  • Open ended thought provoking
  • Adequate time for reflection and revision
  • Feedback that feeds forward providing clear next steps in a pupil’s learning ( Assessment for Learning(ALF)
  • Innovative, creative and novel teaching    

To ensure a continued improvement of teaching practice across the school, learning and teaching is evaluated through:

  • Lesson Observations

All teachers are formally observed each academic year. At least one of these observations will be conducted by the principal per term

  • Planning the monitoring

Done on term basis

  • Discussion with pupils
  • Performance Management System
  • Book Scrutiny System